Our customers continuously face new challenges to develop new products, or enter new market segments and start a new line of forged parts manufacturing. This phase implies a series of questions and choices to take, and on the related answers depend the profitability and sustainability of the investment.
In FPM the engineering and R&D department is guided by the vast hands-on expertise in the field of hot forging solutions design, to which we add the passion and willingness to give solutions, manufacturing concepts, to suggest modifications and realize, test, ameliorate them.
We are thus now considered full-stack technological partners, able to respond to industrialisation needs for specific products, for their forged components.
The task of finding the best manufacturing solution in terms of process feasibility and return on investment, in co-engineering with our customers, represents a great added value factor for the success of both parties.Here we list some of the products for which we have supplied forging manufacturing solutions:
Ferrous alloys
- bolts
- fuel injection valves
- con-rods
- shissors
- pots and pans
- medical prothesis
- gears
- cooking burner’s caps
- etc.
- ball valves
- water meters
- fittings
- manifolds
- taps
- OEM components
- Fashion accessories
- Sinchronizer rings
- etc.
- OEM components
- wheel components
- Engines components
- Pumps housings
- valves
- pistons
- agriculture components
- furniture components
- etc.
Ask us for a first consultancy
Research & Developement
In FPM, Innovation means a fundamental element for its industrial model, and one of the key strategic levers. Thanks to the ability to keep the pace of the evolution of the industry, the company has been able to reach excellent results, bringing technical and manufacturing solutions among the most advanced on the market.
The R&D department in FPM works on three different guidelines across industrial developing, technological innovations and know-how exchange:
We can design special presses and complete "turnkey" lines.

Solid experiences
We can design special presses and complete “turnkey” lines, following a project from the beginning of industrialization of the product, through optimization of the production cycle to the commissioning at the customer’s plant.
Technical office
The technical office makes use of the most advanced software tools in the field of technical drawing. Applications for the mechanical design of components allow to create 3D parametric models and to carry out, in an associative way, the dynamic analysis and calculation of structural verification of every single part. Specifically, the installed system consists of workstations Autodesk “Product Design Suite”.

Complete manufacturing lines
During our company history we have succesfully engineered the most diverse manufacturing lines in the field of hot forging of metals, from the cut of the bar to the billet’s pre-forming, from the automations for loading and unloading to the automatic greasing and lubrication of the forging dies, from the de-flashing trimming to surface finishing.
Sometimes this means the design of brand-new equipment, conceived to overcome any issue, raise productivity, fix quality or profitability problems, and the success of such operations is what makes us proud and full of satisfaction.
One of the main advantages of our business model is the capability to offer full manufacturing lines, taking care of all phases of the realisation of forging and stamping plants from the feasibility study, going on with the engineering of the process, the manufacturing or integration of all the machines that compose the plant, the installation and the production start-up.
Our automatic lines are always designed on the specific and real manufacturing and financial needs, granting this way the desired productivity, reliability and cost-effectiveness of manufacturing.
The high professional skills of our engineers and the capability of execution of complex projects, turns for the customer into the certainty to take to the end the investment plans with good return on investment.

We are able to supply forging plants in the following industries
In the field of brass, aluminium and copper forging, we rest on 40 years experience, the diverse portfolio of completed projects counts hundreds of designed and installed forging plants, both with mechanical presses and friction screw presses. This way, we are capable to supply entire hot forging plants which may include:
In the industry of hot steel forging we are active with the supply of single machines and complete lines, with partial or full automation. The main machines we integrate are:
In the field of cold stamping of sheetmetal, trimming and drawing as well we are active with the supply of entire production lines, integrating new and used machines: